Acronis Disaster Recovery

Acronis Disaster Recovery is a powerful solution that can help organizations to protect their data and minimize downtime in the event of a disaster. Xcobean, as an Acronis managed service provider, offers this solution to their clients, providing an effective way to ensure business continuity and protect data.

Disasters and cyberattacks are no longer a matter of “if”, but rather “when” they will occur. Is your business ready for the inevitable? For many, the answer is at best “maybe”. Your business needs to keep operations up and running; no matter what the situation. Simple daily backups are no longer enough to ensure your business can keep systems up and running in the event of disaster. If disaster does strike, how can you ensure that your business and its technology has the resilience to protect data and able to recover quickly?

Do the numbers: what is the true cost of downtime?

The impact to your business from unexpected downtime is immeasurable. Almost half of small to medium businesses that incur a major technology catastrophe never recover. There is no business immune from downtime, whether at the hands of Mother Nature, employee error, or a cybercriminal, Downtime risks losing big money for your business. Consider these factors to calculate the actual downtime cost per hour for your business:

Lost revenue

If your business is down, it simply cannot generate revenue. Consider your company’s gross annual revenue and calculate that per hour

Lost productivity

The cost of downtime increases when your employees are unable to work or are forced to perform non-revenue related activities

Cost to recover

What data was lost? What services and employee time was required to recover lost data?

Intangible costs

Any damage to reputation or brand results in dollars lost. Downtime can cast an unrecoverable shadow over your business

What is Disaster Recovery, and how can it help your business?

  • Disaster recovery is the practice of anticipating, planning for, surviving, and recovering from a disaster that may affect a business. Disasters can include:
  • Cyber-attacks by hackers or malicious insiders
  • Natural events like earthquakes or hurricanes
  • Failure of equipment or infrastructure, such as a power outage or hard disk failure
  • Human error such as accidental erasure of data or loss of equipment
Acronis Disaster Recovery

Why Disaster Recovery services?

Acronis DR provides a variety of features to ensure business continuity in the event of a disaster, such as:

Cloud-based disaster recovery

Organizations can store their data in the cloud, ensuring that it is safe and can be quickly restored in the event of a disaster.

Automated disaster recovery

The solution allows automation of disaster recovery processes, minimizing the time it takes to restore their systems in the event of a disaster.

Hybrid disaster recovery

A combination of on-premises and cloud-based disaster recovery can be utilized, providing flexibility and ensuring that their data is protected in multiple locations.

Cyber protection

Built-in cyber protection, ensuring that the organization’s data is protected from cyber-attacks, such as ransomware.

Easy testing and reporting

The platform for DR allows easy testing of the disaster recovery processes and provides detailed reporting on the results.

Protect your business, ask us how

Don't take the risk, protect your business now. Get in touch for a consultation on our disaster recovery solutions

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